Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Because Ms. Diamond had one (a practice round)

Clearing: I may or may not have started this after hearing that my BFFL (pronounced "biffel", best friend for life) and role model, Gerri Diamond, has recently taken to writing a "run" blog about her new life in Baltimore. And in the grand scheme of things, we may be the only two who regularly follow each others blogs, because far be it from us to actually stay in contact with people in any direct manner. We tend to "creep" on like things like facebook and blogspots because then we can stay updated on others whereabouts and adventurous exploits without actually speaking to them.

Tricky things, blogs. Attempting to be funny, without being too cheeky, obnoxious or continually self deprecating. Sincere, but in all honesty your publishing your thoughts on a "google" blog so just how open and tech savvy can you really pretend to be? I think this must happen a lot in a blog too, making fun of your own self in attempts to rationalize your own blog endeavor efforts.

I think the real issue at heart is, that when you choose to create a blog, you tacitly imply that people would actually want to read what you write. Well, not even imply really, but more directly, you actually believe people will find what you have to say interesting, funny or thought provoking. And that's a scary thing to appear to think, and deep down sorta maybe think too, I think.

Clearing Number 2: I spent 17 minutes attempting to come up with a catchy name for the thing, follwed by another 13 minutes to come up with a "url" name and finally another 31 minutes playing with the page settings and colors and fonts. In all honesty, my initial enthusiasm has declined, but in the spirit of the hour I decided I must at least post something.

Clearing about the term "clearing": I work at lululemon. We use a lot of uplifting, goal orienting, self opening jargon, like "clearing".

Blogs in and of themselves are like clearings, really. It just means spitting out the things that are floating about your mind that are keeping you from being present.

I should take a moment to interject here that aside from me working for a company that promotes "self development", my mother also teaches at the College of Metaphysics. So, if by chance you plan to be a regular follower of this blog, just prepare yourself. This is the third time while writing that I have paused and thought of a few sentences to write in my head (the most recent being, "even eckhart tolle couldn't submerse himself in this metaphysical of an environment). I then decided this wasn't a very funny or particularly profound statement and so I chose not to include it. I then wondered if I could write about wondering whether to write something. And then I wrote it so, so much for just wondering.

I wonder if people will find little free flowing tangents like the one above intriguing or annoying.

Perhaps, I shall just write all of my "wondering" comments in italics.

Yes. Italics most certainly suits the wondering. This is getting to be a bit strange and perhaps too free form.

Anyway, I've also decided to catalogue code names (well some of them aren't so encrypted) of some of the characters in my life.

  • Character One: Planet Holly, also referred to lovingly as Diva (she's abroad right now, but is going to be absolutely ecstatic that she is considered "Character One" and I did so because she is the only person I know who would be genuinely pleased with this blog ranking)
  • Character Two: Ms. Diamond, after all she is the inspiration of this whole enterprise.
  • Character Three: Mr. Swarrick, he knows who he is.
  • Character Four: Sherah, my mother.
  • Character Five: Fluster Bunny, kudos to whoever guesses who this is. I should also look up where "kudos" comes from. No earthly clue. Probably latin or something. I'll wikipedia soon and report back.
  • Character 6: *wikiwiki, this isn't a character, but given the discussion around Character 5, I will simply use this phrase when I think something relatively unknown, but commonly used needs some clarification via wikipedia. For instance, one wonders what comes up when one wikipedias (in the verb sense), the phrase "wikipedia" (*wikiwiki)
  • Character 7: Ben, the guy who introduced me to my Australian ex-boyfriend. Ben would always say "wiki-wiki" when watching a Cricket game so naturally he came to mind. Ben also used to shout, "I'M NOT MUMBLING" in a very articulated manner at me and my other American friends who could never fully understand any Australian when they were speaking in full go.
  • Character 8: Jen, she is that person at work that you ALWAYS manage to do something stupid in front of. ALWAYS. Like screw up the cash register. Like look for pant hangers in every possible cabinet, except the cabinet they are locked away in.  Like leave your car door wide open in the parking lot the entire time you are in a boxing class. Things like that.
  • Character 9: to be continued...

RECAP on characters thus far:
Planet Holly, Ms. Diamond, Mr. Swarrick, Sherah, Fluster Bunny, *wikiwiki, Ben, Jen and more to come.

I think this should all get less, pithy, and more sincere as the blogging goes. In all honesty, I think more people should write more often, including myself. I like writing because unlike conversation, the other person isn't simply scheming (perhaps this is too harsh a word) as to when to jump in and turn the conversation back onto themselves. Because in conversation, we are, unavoidably, always thinking of what to say next, how to respond in the moment. But, when you read, your mind goes to rest and you take in much more than you would in a face-to-face conversation. At least, thats how I am with reading. And, just like with making anything, there's definitely a shiny little part of me that is like "hey look, I MAAADE something". And it may not be something of any particularly high literary quality or outstanding comedic wit, but its something semi-permanent and structurally independent none-the-less.

Clearing concerning my syntax, grammar and all forms of punctuation: I over use prepositional phrases and quotation marks and have terrible spelling. I know this. But it probably won't change. And I use the word "particularly" all the time.

I think in future posts I will give myself a more defined subject matter. Next blog, or chapter as I'd like to think of it, will explain the title Blue Velvet.

Hint: It has to do with White 1988 Lincoln Towncars.

I think the key to blogging is not to re-read over what you have written or you'll never have the courage to publicly post anything. Yep, no more re-reading.

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